Sunday, July 28, 2013

Shes Almost There

Giving a child away to their future is tough. But seeing your child launch into the life God has for them, with excitement and enthusiasm, makes the release easier. Our family is preparing this week to let Sara go into her year of missions. She is excited, giddy, but steady and fully in the Lords will. Sara doesn't stray far from where God wants her. She listens with ready ears to His call to her and on her life. With a very short time to raise funds for NET, $7100.00 in 3 months with a part time job, she plunged into the work and came out not only with her head above water, but gliding smoothly toward the finish line. To date, she is completely funded to go. Her goal met. The cost for this trip is $21 000.00 and her portion is only $7100.00 so any funds raised after this goal helps off set the rest of the cost. NET fund raises throughout the year, do keep them in mind. As our family transitions into a family of 4 for a year, please keep us in your prayers too? All boys and a momma....I'm way outnumbered. Just me and the cat! But more importantly, please pray for Sara, that her billets are kind, that her team is solid and glued together and that her time away from us is rich in the Lord. We trust that he has her fully in his grip. We know there is no better place than where the Lord wants you to be. So with this final week at home, we begin the process of release....